Pesa: Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Maschio
Ultime pesate di Staffordshire Bull Terrier maschio
A 0 anno(i), 8 mese(i) e 6 giorno(i), Venom, Staffordshire Bull Terrier maschio , pesato 16 kg.
A 0 anno(i), 5 mese(i) e 15 giorno(i), Volcom, Staffordshire Bull Terrier maschio , pesato 8.4 kg.
A 1 anno(i), 3 mese(i) e 5 giorno(i), Ulysse, Staffordshire Bull Terrier maschio , pesato 17.16 kg.
A 1 anno(i), 11 mese(i) e 6 giorno(i), Lino, Staffordshire Bull Terrier maschio , pesato 18.9 kg.
A 0 anno(i), 10 mese(i) e 3 giorno(i), Anakin, Staffordshire Bull Terrier maschio , pesato 18.7 kg.
Ramses the Great
Razza :
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Data di nascita :
Peso adulto desiderato:
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Ramses the Great
3 anni
Ramses the Great
3 anni
Ramses the Great
3 anni
Ramses the Great
3 anni
Ramses the Great
4 anni
Ramses the Great
4 anni
Ramses the Great
5 anni
Ramses the Great
5 anni
Ramses the Great
5 anni
Ramses the Great
5 anni
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6 Commenti)
3 anni
Bonjour possible d avoir des photos de votre chien adultes mon chien suit la même courbe merci
3 anni
Hi. You can see Ramses pictures on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ramses.the.staffie/
2 anni
The weight management looks super.
What was the main strategy and how did you decide on the target weight ?
2 anni
Hi. At first I set breeds desirable weight, but later I realize, that my dog will be larger than standard, so I go up with desirable weight. Now I dont care about his weight, I look at him and if he looks good and healthy, than he is on his right weight ;) p.s. sorry for my english, but I hope you understand, what I mean.
2 anni
Hi, Thankyou for your reply ! Your English is absolutely fine.
I was curious about your strategy on feeding. Mine is still on 4 meals per day and I calculate the calories with tapering.
2 anni
My dog is on raw feeding. When he was puppy, I gave him 2-4% of adult dog weight. If you feed your dog with dry food, I think you must follow producers recommendations and then look how your dog looks like - if he is thin, then give him more. Or you may ask your veterinarian about correct feeding :)
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